Venice - シナリオ(7)

# Szenario08 Final 41308000 - 41308999

Trading route customization
The Corsairs' fortified towers automatically attack all passing Ships, damaging them. Check your Trade routes in the Routing and use the Waypoint pins to correct them. This will allow you to sail around the dangerous areas and transport your Goods to their destination safely.

# Sequence 41308000 - 41308019

Barren lands
You were send out to an isolated region, ... build a gorgeous Cathedral city in the Emperor's name.
But on your arrival you find yourself confronted with two issues:
The terrain seems to be completely infertile...
...and the seaways are in the iron hands of the Corsairs
If you want to fulfill the Emperor´s assignment... will need all of your Trading skills.
His Majesty is counting on you!
Your city has grown into a Metropolis...
…and, against all odds, the Imperial cathedral is finished ...
...and Trade is booming.
And when, radiant with joy, Lord Northburgh tells you ...
... that the Emperor himself will be coming for the consecration...
... you realise ...
… that you have made the impossible come true!

# Storyquest 41308500 - 41308549

Complete the Emperor's assignment: [CR] [CR]
Your island is a wasteland, with neither fertilities nor resources. Fortunately some shoals of fish have been spotted nearby, but these will only support your population for a short time. [CR] [CR][GUIDNAME 1645000] is available as a trading partner, but you should also explore the region to see if there isn't a little fertile land, or at least some more trading partners, to be found. Keep a constant lookout for the Corsairs!
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] orders you in the Emperor's name to colonize this infertile land and build an Imperial cathedral.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] is overjoyed that you have managed to fulfill the Emperor's wish.

# Sub01_Adlige_erreichen 41308050 - 41308099

  • Adlige erreichen

# Sub02_Kaiserdom 41308150 - 41308199

- Kaiserdom errichten

# SQ02_Korsaren_geben_niemals_auf 41308250 - 41308299

Corsairs never give up
Angered at having his blockade broken, [GUIDNAME 1645081] has returned with a larger fleet which is proving to be a problem for your trading vessels.[CR] [CR] Will he succeed this time or will you once again be able to drive the Corsairs off?

# SQ01_Wegezoll 41308200 - 41308249

Toll collectors
[GUIDNAME 1645081] has found out that you receive all your Goods by ship. Now he has blockaded your harbour in an attempt to extort a toll from you. [CR][CR]In the Emperor's name: Don't take this lying down!
A concerned [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] points out a Corsair fleet which is threatening your harbour.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] is relieved that you were able to avert the Corsair threat. [CR] [CR] [QUEST_REWARD]

# SQ03_Die_Unbelehrbaren 41308300 - 41308349

The incorrigible
Despite his humiliating defeats [GUIDNAME 1645081]'s greed and his pride seem undiminished. Once again he has returned with a powerful fleet in an attempt to blockade your harbour. [CR] [CR] Teach the Corsairs some respect!

# SQ04_Rote_Segel_am_Horizont 41308350 - 41308399

Red sails on the horizon
One of [QUEST_SENDER]'s captains reported seeing several Corsair ships on his travels. Since [GUIDNAME 1645081] is usually up to no good, you should take better precautions.
An alarmed [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] reports that Corsairs have been sighted approaching your harbour and advises you to take precautions.

# SQ05_Sicherung_der_Seewege 41308400 - 41308449

Securing your seaways
Once again Corsair ships were sighted, and once again they are threatening your Transport ships at sea. Ensure that your Ships can travel these waters without fear of let or hindrance.

# SQ06_Anhaltende_Bedrohung 41308450 - 41308499

Continuing menace
Several of your catains report seeing numerous Corsair ships on the Transport routes between your islands. You will have to do something about this threat to ensure that supplies continue to flow to your population unhindered!

# SideDummy_Säuberung der Umgebung 41308550 - 41308599

Enough is enough!
Free the area of Corsairs:[CR] [CR]
The Corsairs represent an ever-increasing threat to your Trading ships. In order to ensure that nothing jeopardises the Emperor's mission, [QUEST_SENDER] advises you to clear the area of Corsairs once and for all. You could then use the few fertile islands for your own purposes, as well ...
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] implores you to end the Corsair menace once and for all.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] is relieved that you have driven the Corsairs off.

# SideSub01_Insel1besiegen 41308600 - 41308649

- Insel 1 besiegen
Destroy all enemy units found on the north-western island.[CR] [CR]
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] congratulates you on having conquered this island. [CR] [CR] [QUEST_REWARD]

# SideSub02_Insel2besiegen 41308650 - 41308699

- Insel 2 besiegen
Destroy all enemy units found on the north-eastern island.[CR] [CR]

# SideSub03_VulkanInselbesiegen 41308700 - 41308749

  • Vulkaninsel besiegen
Destroy all enemy units found on the volcanic island.[CR] [CR]

# SideSub04_WehrtürmeVernichten 41308750 - 41308799

- Wehrtürme vernichten
Destroy all of the Corsair towers.[CR] Progress: [FLOWCONTROL_VARIABLE_VALUE_NUMBER var_TowerCount_destroyed] / [FLOWCONTROL_VARIABLE_VALUE_NUMBER var_TowerCount] Towers destroyed[CR] [CR]
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] is impressed to see that you have destroyed all of the Corsairs' towers. [CR] [CR] [QUEST_REWARD]

# Mood Text -1 - -1

[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] is firmly convinced that you will be able to build a magnificent Imperial cathedral against all odds.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] is impressed by how well you have done in this barren region.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] doesn't think you have much of a chance against the Corsairs' overpowering numbers.


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