Venice - シナリオ(2)

# Szenario02 Final 41302000 - 41302999

# Sequence 41302000 - 41302019

Giacomo Garibaldi is beside himself with rage.
Giacomo Garibaldi は、我を忘れるほどに激昂していた。
Curse the whim of nature which imbued Venetian women with such beauty and grace!
Curse Gavin Langton!
Gavin Langtonに!
Instead of focussing on the Trade negotiations with the Venetian Dignitaries ...
… he prefers to concentrate on furthering his amorous adventures.
… 艶やかな恋に溺れることにご執心だった。
Yet the fair maid whose reputation he has this time befouled ...
しかし、今回彼が目をつけた美しい女性は ...
... is none other than Giacomo Garibaldi's precious ward!
... 他ならぬ Giacomo Garibaldi の大事な愛娘だったのだ!
Now he thirsts for revenge!
With diabolical satisfaction Giacomo feasts his eyes …
... on Sir Gavin Langton's sorrow and distress.
... Gavin Langton卿の嘆き苦しむ様を見て、楽しんでいた。
You have restored his young ward's honour.
Giacomo Garibaldi's honour!
そして Giacomo Garibaldi の名誉を取り戻した!
Rest assured that the Venetian Dignitary ...
ご安心を。ベニスの高官は ...
... will never forget your kind help ...
... あなたの尽力を忘れることはないだろう ...
... in this most delicate case.
... 非常にデリケートな問題であるがゆえに。

# Assets 41302020 - 41302049

# Storyquest 41302050 - 41302099

No morals, no morale
Sabotage [GUIDNAME 1649903]'s City to lower his Inhabitant's morale to 0. [CR]Current morale: [FLOWCONTROL_VARIABLE_VALUE_NUMBER MORAL_VAR]%
[QUEST_SENDER]'s anger over [GUIDNAME 1649903]'s act is immeasurable, for he gave his word to protect his ward as his own heart! [CR] [CR]And now he finds himself in a quandary, as the negotiations with Sir Gavin are of paramount importance and must not be jeopardised. [CR ] [CR]Can you extract appropriate vengeance for the humiliation suffered? [QUEST_SENDER] is counting on you!
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] asks you to take his vengeance on [GUIDNAME 1649903] for him by sabotaging his City until Inhabitant morale has reached the zero point.
A visibly satisified [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] remarks that thanks to you [GUIDNAME 1649903] was unable to escape his just punishment.

# Helperquest 41302100 - 41302149

# SQ01_FIRERAISER 41302150 - 41302199

Use the act of sabotage "Arson" at least once in [GUIDNAME 1649903]'s capital city of [GUIDNAME 41404056].
[QUEST_SENDER]'s plan is simple: First you are to infiltrate a Citizen's House in [GUIDNAME 41404056]. Then send an Arsonist out from that Safe House to set fire to one of the other Houses.[CR] [CR] However, before you can recruit a reliable Henchman you will first have to build a Base of Operations in your own city.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] asks you to start a fire in [GUIDNAME 1649903]'s City of [GUIDNAME 41404056].
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] notes gleefully that your act of sabotage in [GUIDNAME 1649903] 's City was successful.

# SQ02_REVOLT 41302200 - 41302209

Use the act of sabotage "Rebellion" at least once in [GUIDNAME 1649903]'s capital city of [GUIDNAME 41404056].
[QUEST_SENDER] feels that the time is ripe for a revolution! Have you Henchman infiltrate a Patrician's House in [GUIDNAME 41404056]. Then send him out to the nearest marketplace. Will the raging mob be able to slake [QUEST_SENDER]'s thirst for revenge?
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] now wants you to incite the Inhabitants of [GUIDNAME 1649903]'s City of [GUIDNAME 41404056] to revolt.

# SQ03_POISON 41302250 - 41302299

Poisonous pursuits
Use the act of sabotage "Poison" at least once in [GUIDNAME 1649903]'s capital city of [GUIDNAME 41404056].
[QUEST_SENDER] is far from finished with [GUIDNAME 1649903]! He desires to have the water in all the wells in [GUIDNAME 41404056] befouled, just as the purity of his innocent ward has been sullied. [CR] [CR] Have your Henchman infiltrate a Noble's House. That will serve him as a base from which he can work ...
Next [QUEST_SENDER] wants you to poison the wells in [GUIDNAME 41404056].

# SQ04_BELLYDANCER 41302300 - 41302349

Seven veils
Use the act of sabotage "Belly Dancer" at least once in [GUIDNAME 1649903]'s City of [GUIDNAME 41404055].
[GUIDNAME 1649903]'s southern Settlements are not to be spared from [QUEST_SENDER]'s retaliation.[CR] [CR]Infiltrate the Nomads in [GUIDNAME 41404055]. Then send out a Belly Dancer to enchant the Population and get them to throw money at her otherwise used to pay Taxes.
In order to cause [GUIDNAME 1649903] even more harm, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] asks you to lighten the coffers in [GUIDNAME 41404055] by a good few Gold coins using a Belly Dancer.

# SQ05_PROPHET 41302350 - 41302399

Tainted words
Use the act of sabotage "False Prophet" at least once in [GUIDNAME 1649903]'s City of [GUIDNAME 41404055].
[QUEST_SENDER] never tires of thinking up new cruelties to visit upon [GUIDNAME 1649903]. This time his plan is that you infiltrate the Envoys in [GUIDNAME 41404055] and then send out a False Prophet to capture the Population's minds with his honeyed words ...
This time [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] wants you to send a False Prophet to [GUIDNAME 41404055] to sway [GUIDNAME 1649903]'s Population.

# Other messages 41302400 - 41302499

Disappointed and insulted by your attacks, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] freezes his diplomatic relations with you.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] threatens to declare war on you if you do not stop your acts of sabotage immediately.
Smiling diabolically, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] advises you to vary your acts of sabotage actions on a regular basis, making them both harder to spot and more effective.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] expects you to conduct your acts of sabotage against [GUIDNAME 1649903] in a sophisticated manner - and to avoid provoking a war!


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最終更新:2010年12月07日 23:23


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