
現在の.screenrc」(2014/05/03 (土) 19:02:15) の最新版変更点



# Escape key is C-t, literal is a. escape ^Tt # I like a large scrollback buffer. defscrollback 1000 # don't show startup message. startup_message off # changes the kind of messages to the nethack-style. nethack on # disables vbell toggle binding to use ^G as cancel. bind ^G # window re-numbering # override default `N'(number) mapping bind N colon 'number '
# http://yskwkzhr.blogspot.jp/2010/11/screenrc.html # Escape key is C-t, literal is a. escape ^Tt # I like a large scrollback buffer. defscrollback 1000 # don't show startup message. startup_message off # changes the kind of messages to the nethack-style. nethack on # disables vbell toggle binding to use ^G as cancel. bind ^G # window re-numbering # override default `N'(number) mapping bind N colon 'number ' # switch window encoding # Shift JISは'encoding sjis' bind ^U eval 'encoding utf8' 'info' bind ^E eval 'encoding eucjp' 'info' # switch window encoding and changes LANG environment variable.(for b-shell) bind u eval 'encoding utf8' '!!!echo "LANG=ja_JP.utf8; export LANG"' 'info' bind e eval 'encoding eucjp' '!!!echo "LANG=ja_JP.eucJP; export LANG"' 'info' # switch focus to other region(like vi) # orverride default `k'(kill), `t'(time), `b'(break) mappings. # bind j focus down # bind k focus up # bind t focus top # bind b focus bottom # Emacsライクに変更 bind f focus right bind b focus left bind n focus down bind p focus up # # continuous switch focus to other region(like vi) # bind ^J eval 'focus down' 'command -c cfocus' # bind ^K eval 'focus up' 'command -c cfocus' # bind -c cfocus ^J eval 'focus down' 'command -c cfocus' # bind -c cfocus ^K eval 'focus up' 'command -c cfocus' # bind -c cfocus ^T eval 'focus top' 'command -c cfocus' # bind -c cfocus ^B eval 'focus bottom' 'command -c cfocus' # continuous resize region # orverride default `r'(wrap) mapping. bind r eval 'command -c cresize' bind -c cresize j eval 'resize +1' 'command -c cresize' bind -c cresize k eval 'resize -1' 'command -c cresize' bind -c cresize J eval 'resize +10' 'command -c cresize' bind -c cresize K eval 'resize -10' 'command -c cresize' bind -c cresize = eval 'resize =' 'command -c cresize' bind -c cresize n eval 'resize min' 'command -c cresize' bind -c cresize x eval 'resize max' 'command -c cresize' # changes the windowlist format to suit caption/hardstatus windowlist title '%{u .g}Num Flags Title%=[0-9] select the number [movement] j,C-n:Down k,C-p:Up (C-)f:PageDown (C-)b:PageUp' windowlist string '%{.g}%3n %{.y}%f%09=%{dg} %t %=' caption always '%?%F%{= gW}%:%{= Kk}%?%2n%f%07=%t%=' hardstatus alwayslastline '%m/%d %02c:%s %{= .g}%H%{-} %L=%-w%45L>%{=u g.}%n %t%{-}%+w %-17<%=%{= .y}(%l)' # http://www.rubyist.net/~rubikitch/computer/screen/ # 従来のwindowsをWindow Listで置き換える bind w windowlist -b

