Venice - シナリオ(13)

# Szenario16 Final 41316000 - 41316999

# Sequence -1 - -1

Giacomo Garibaldi is in the process ...
... of preparing a covert meeting of some very eminent persons.
He wants to avoid attracting any attention at all costs!
The meeting is not to take place in the Venetian harbor ...
... but rather on your island instead!
You have signed a contract with Garibaldi promising your help.
Quickly prepare your City for the arrival of your mysterious guests.
Who could have suspected...
... that the mysterious guests ...
... are none other than the Emperor and the Sultan themselves!
Now Garibaldi's secrecy …
... begins to make sense.
And as he disappears into your Palace with the two rulers for negotiations ...
... you receive a most appreciative smile from the Venetian dignitary.

# Assets -1 - -1

Venetian administrator
Spice route
Time until inspection:
Achievement TimeLeft

# Storyquest -1 - -1

A secret mission
Meet all of the demands set out in your contract with [QUEST_SENDER] to complete preparations for the secret meeting.
[QUEST_SENDER] is being particularly secretive this time. He has entrusted only the most necessary information to you. In addition, he has had you sign a contract hundreds of pages long regulating all of the measures necessary for planning the secret meeting, and laying out the fines for any breaches. [CR] [CR] You will now have your hands full meeting all of the requirements for the 4 inspections. Time is of the essence - the guests are already on their way!
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] and his administrator await you on their ship so that they may start inspecting your Settlement for the upcoming secret meeting.
In recognition of your efforts [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] informs you that the expected guests are none other than His Majesty the Emperor and His Eminence the Sultan.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] advises you to complete your preparations on time, for otherwise he will be forced to detach his personal bodyguard to safeguard the guests and charge you for the expense.

# HSQ_Bestechung -1 - -1

A contract is a contract!
Outraged by your breach of contract, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] demands a fine of [FLOWCONTROL_VARIABLE_VALUE_NUMBER InspectionFailurePenalty] Gold coins and gives you some time to raise the amount.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] prompts you to pay the fine of [FLOWCONTROL_VARIABLE_VALUE_NUMBER InspectionFailurePenalty] Gold coins if you wish to avoid going to Debtor's prison.
Now that you have paid your fine, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER]'s ill humour slowly begins to improve.
A furious [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] notes that you are not able to fulfill the contract and calls in his bodyguard.
Organize [FLOWCONTROL_VARIABLE_VALUE_NUMBER InspectionFailurePenalty] Gold coins to pay [QUEST_SENDER] the fine for the breach of contract.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] reminds you explicitly that he will have you thrown into Debtors' prison should you not pay the fine in time.

# MQ01_Inspection I -1 - -1

Contract, Part I - Security
Preparations for the inspection have begun! But there is still much to do before [QUEST_SENDER]'s secret meeting can take place.[CR]You must pass a total of 4 inspections. Always ensure that the Venetian administrator has everything he intends to inspect within his field of view. [CR] [CR] In the event that you fail to pass an inspection and are therfore unable to fulfill your contract, [QUEST_SENDER] reserves the right to demand a fine from you ...
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] informs you just what his administrator wishes to examine during the first inspection.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] states that he is pleased with your efforts and grants you a time bonus of [FLOWCONTROL_VARIABLE_VALUE_NUMBER Inspection_2_TimeBonus] additional minutes for the next inspection.

# MQ01_1 -1 - -1

Build city wall
• Connect the two Watchtowers with a Wall.[CR]

# MQ01_2 -1 - -1

Build gate
• Build [QUEST_VALUE 1] Gatehouses in the Wall.[CR]

# MQ01_3 -1 - -1

Build towers
• Build [QUEST_VALUE 1] additional Watchtowers along the Wall. [FLOWCONTROL_VARIABLE_VALUE_NUMBER Watchtower_Display]/[QUEST_VALUE 1] Watchtowers built.

# MQ01_4 -1 - -1

Build large statues
• Build [QUEST_VALUE 1] large Statues near the coast. [FLOWCONTROL_VARIABLE_VALUE_NUMBER LargeStatues_Count]/[QUEST_VALUE 1] Statues built.

# MQ02_Inspection II -1 - -1

Contract, Part II - The Occident
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] informs you just what his administrator wishes to examine during the next inspection.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] states that he is pleased with your efforts and grants you a time bonus of [FLOWCONTROL_VARIABLE_VALUE_NUMBER Inspection_3_TimeBonus] additional minutes for the next inspection.

# MQ02_1 -1 - -1

Build Church
• Build [QUEST_VALUE 1] Church.[CR]

# MQ02_3 -1 - -1

Build Bailiwick
• Build [QUEST_VALUE 1] Bailiwick.[CR]

# MQ02_4 -1 - -1

No Beggars in the Streets
• Make sure that there are no beggars hanging around on the streets until after the inspection. [CR]

# MQ03_Inspection III -1 - -1

Contract, Part III - The Orient
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] states that he is pleased with your efforts and grants you a time bonus of [FLOWCONTROL_VARIABLE_VALUE_NUMBER Inspection_4_TimeBonus] additional minutes for the last inspection.

# MQ02_2 -1 - -1

Build Nomad Huts
• Build [QUEST_VALUE 1] Nomad huts and keep them in impeccable shape until the inspection is over. [FLOWCONTROL_VARIABLE_VALUE_NUMBER NomadHuts_Count]/[QUEST_VALUE 1] Nomad huts built.

# MQ03_3 -1 - -1

Build Mosque
• Build [QUEST_VALUE 1] Mosque.[CR]

# MQ03_4 -1 - -1

Ornamental Palmtrees
• Plant [QUEST_VALUE 1] Palm trees.[CR][FLOWCONTROL_VARIABLE_VALUE_NUMBER DecoPalm_Count]/[QUEST_VALUE 1] Palm trees planted[CR][CR]

# MQ04_Inspection IV -1 - -1

Contract, Part IV - Rooms
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] graciously announces that your Palace has been found suitable as a meeting place for the two dignitaries.

# MQ04_1 -1 - -1

Manorial Palace Mainbuilding
• Build [QUEST_VALUE 1] [GUIDNAME 40001002].[CR]

# MQ04_2 -1 - -1

Manorial Palace Corner
• Build [QUEST_VALUE 1] [GUIDNAME 40001015].[CR][FLOWCONTROL_VARIABLE_VALUE_NUMBER DogePalaceL_Count]/[QUEST_VALUE 1] Buildings completed[CR]

# MQ04_3 -1 - -1

Manorial Palace Straight
• Build [QUEST_VALUE 1] [GUIDNAME 40001014]. [FLOWCONTROL_VARIABLE_VALUE_NUMBER DogePalaceI_Count]/[QUEST_VALUE 1] Buildings completed[CR]

# MQ04_4 -1 - -1

Manorial Palace Gate
•  Build [QUEST_VALUE 1] [GUIDNAME 40001017 ].[CR]

# MQ04_5 -1 - -1

Reach Town Status
•  Attain "City" status (1190 Patricians)

# MQ00_01 Start the first Inspection -1 - -1

Visit [QUEST_SENDER]'s Ship in your Harbour to begin preparations for the secret meeting.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] somewhat nervously asks if you are ready for the briefing on the first inspection.
Unwilling to wait any longer, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] announces that he will now start the briefing on the first inspection.

# LoseCondition -1 - -1

The secret meeting between the two high-ranking guests set to take place in your City has failed because of you! [GUIDNAME 41400006] is terribly disappointed at your failure and has his guards take you away. Not only have you tarnished his reputation, but above all your own ...

# Mood Text -1 - -1

[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] congratulates you on this partial success and hopes that your further preparations for the secret meeting go as well.
In a confidential tone [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] informs you that his administrator is moving on to the next point in the inspection.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] confidentially informs you that [GUIDNAME 41400052] will place even higher demands on you and your city, and recommends that you prepare yourself accordingly.
With a significant glance [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] advises you to expand your City even further in order to be prepared for even bigger challenges.


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