Venice - シナリオ(11)

# Szenario14 Final 41314000 - 41314999

# Sequence 41314000 - 41314019

Ray of hope
An urgent message from Willem van der Marks …
… has brought you here.
For in his search for his missing daughter …
… the old man has discovered a most promising clue.
Your arrival has rekindled his hopes …
… of finally being able to hold his child close again.
Willem van der Mark can hardly believe it!
He's never been so close to finding his daughter.
With renewed vigor he sets out - …
… full of hope and optimism.
At the same time, on a tiny island somewhere in the middle of the ocean, …
… a young woman anxiously awaits rescue…

# Assets 41314020 - 41314049

You useless clod! You were supposed to save the woman from that ship, not this crazy old man! I'm going to deduct the ransom I could have demanded from your pay. [CR]Lock the old geezer in the tower. And you'd better pray that he turns out to be useful.[CR] [CR]Forcas
Hassan,[CR]as you wished I dropped that recalcitrant little fury on an island. Three times she sprang overboard, then I tied her to the mast. Blasted woman![CR] [CR]Aziz
I am writing this in the hope that someone will one day find it. I have managed to escape from my tormentors. I have built a raft which will allow me to escape from this tiny island and hopefully get me to friendlier shores. Then I can finally continue my search for my father.[CR] [CR] Beatrice v. d. M.

# Storyquest 41314050 - 41314099

Beloved Beatrice
Help [QUEST_SENDER] by finding some clues as to his daughter's whereabouts.
The hope of finding his daughter has brought new life to the otherwise melancholic [QUEST_SENDER]. However, with age taking its toll, he is glad that you have agreed to his request to help him with the investigation. [CR] [CR] [QUEST_SENDER] is convinced that together you will be able to track down the long-lost Beatrice.
Overjoyed at your arrival, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] asks you to help him search for his daughter.
Convinced that the documents will lead him to his daughter, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] thanks you for your help before hurriedly setting out.

# MQ01_Kartenwerk 41314100 - 41314149

The Cartographer
[QUEST_SENDER] wants to be certain that he is looking for his daughter in the right area. Help him by mapping out the islands. The old man won't survive another disappointment…
In order to confirm the information his sources provided on his daughter's location, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] asks you to first map out a few islands.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] excitedly compares the maps and is optimistic that he is now in the right area.

# MQ02_Spurensuche 41314200 - 41314249

In search of clues
Inquire amongst the surrounding Harbour islands for information about [QUEST_SENDER s] daughter.
[QUEST_SENDER] hopes that someone in the region has seen Beatrice and can provide new clues to her whereabouts. Take [QUEST_SENDER]'s memento and set out quickly.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] gives you a memento of his daughter and asks you to show it around at the nearby Harbour islands.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] studies the documents excitedly, and notes that the clues to his daughter's whereabouts point to [GUIDNAME 1645028].
Unfortunately, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] can't tell you anything about the [QUEST_RACE_ITEM] and advises you to ask at [QUEST_RACE_STATION].
After fruitless contemplation, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] returns the [QUEST_RACE_ITEM] and suggests that you hurry to [QUEST_RACE_STATION].
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] smiled knowingly passes you some [QUEST_RACE_ITEM], which you should quickly bring to [QUEST_RACE_STATION].

# MQ03_Der geheimnisvolle Gefangene 41314250 - 41314299

A Mysterious Prisoner
Declare war on [GUIDNAME 1645028] and free the Prisoner from the Prison tower.
No matter who is held in this Prison tower, one thing is certain - [GUIDNAME 1645028] will not release them unless forced to. The signs all point to a Declaration of war. You should look around for support in your efforts to drive [GUIDNAME 1645028] from the island. There are sure to be some battle-tested fighters in the area...
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] wants you to free the prisoner at all costs, as he hopes for more information about his daughter.
Furious at having to retreat, [GUIDNAME 1645028] throws his prisoner from the cliffs.
As a former diplomat, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] hopes for a peaceful solution and forbids you to declare war on [GUIDNAME 1645028].

# MQ04_Schwächeanfall 41314300 - 41314349

The Medico
Build a Surgery on the island on which the rescued Diplomat is staying.
The spell in prison has seriously affected the unknown prisoner. But perhaps he knows more about Beatrice! To speed his recovery, at least to the point where he can speak, you should take [QUEST_SENDER]'s advice and consult a doctor as quickly as possible.
Inasmuch as the rescued prisoner is still too weak to speak of his ordeals, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] asks you to build a Surgery in your city to speed his recovery.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] excitedly listens as the survivor reports that Corsairs sunk his ship and kidnapped all of the women found aboard.

# MQ05_Ohne Fleiß 41314350 - 41314399

No Croos, No Crown
Fulfill all of [QUEST_SENDER]'s demands.
[QUEST_SENDER] seems to have some information on Beatrice, but the leader of the Corsairs has never given anything for free. This time he plans to make audacious demands on you. [CR] [CR] However, you can decide for yourself each time: You can either meet [QUEST_SENDER]'s demands or fight a naval battle against him. Either way, success means another piece of information about Beatrice.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] has information about Beatrice and leaves it up to you to decide whether you want to agree to his next demand for Goods or to fight for the information instead.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] somewhat patronizingly gives you a scruffy piece of parchment for [GUIDNAME 1645025].

# MQ06_Ein besonderer Schatz 41314400 - 41314449

A Special Treasure
Look for [QUEST_SENDER]'s daughter on the indicated island.
The Corsairs' report has revived [QUEST_SENDER]'s spirits unbelievably. He can hardly wait to follow the new lead, in hopes of soon holding his beloved daughter in his arms once more.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] excitedly urges you to search the indicated island for his daughter as soon as possible.
With trembling hands, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] receives the message.

# MQ07_Wink des Schicksals 41314600 - 41314649

The Hand of Fate
Sail to [GUIDNAME 1645028]'s island.
[GUIDNAME 41400006]'s information leads you directly to [GUIDNAME 1645028]'s small outpost. Perhaps you and [QUEST_SENDER] can learn something more about Beatrice's whereabouts there!
Outraged, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] asks you stop sniffing around his island.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] asks you to follow up on the new information linking his daughter to [GUIDNAME 1645028].

# MQ08_Eine heiße Spur 41314650 - 41314699

A Hot Trail
Sail to [GUIDNAME 1649916]'s Corsair lair.
[QUEST_SENDER] is beginning to suspect that the Corsairs might know more about his daughter's whereabouts. But you will have to be diplomatic to get anything out of [GUIDNAME 1649916] - diplomatic or battle-tested!
Concerned that Beatrice could have fallen into the hands of the Corsairs, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] asks you to continue your research there.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] implores you not to make any mistakes at this stage of the game - his daughter's welfare may depend on it!

# SQ01_Scharfe Lieferung 41314150 - 41314199

Hot Delivery
[QUEST_SENDER] and his men like it hot. And not just their food, either! Hurry up with the delivery - Corsairs are not known for their patience.

# SQ02_Warum selber machen 41314450 - 41314499

Fine Ships
Provide [QUEST_SENDER] a [GUIDNAME 15913], a [GUIDNAME 15915] and a [GUIDNAME 15914].
[QUEST_SENDER] wants to increase the size of his fleet in preparation for his next raiding voyage. But why should he build ships when you can do it for him ...?

# SQ03_Preis des Wissens 41314500 - 41314549

The Price of Knowledge
What a sly bandit that [QUEST_SENDER] is! First you have to slave away for him, and now he has his hand in your wallet. If you want the information about [GUIDNAME 1645025]'s daughter, you're just going to have to let [QUEST_SENDER] get away with it.
Sail over to [QUEST_SENDER]'s Harbour and pay him [QUEST_MONEYTOPAY] Gold coins.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] demands that you give him [QUEST_MONEYTOPAY] Gold coins before he gives you some more information about [GUIDNAME 1645025]'s daughter.

# SQ04_Wer nicht hören will 41314550 - 41314599

He who will not hear …
Defeat the Corsair fleet.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] warned you that the Corsairs would not take "No" for an answer. Now you must face [GUIDNAME 1645081]'s fleet. Prepare yourself for a truly fierce battle.
Incensed at your audacity, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] prepares his fleet for battle.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] reluctantly admits defeat and promises to give you the information about [GUIDNAME 1645025]'s daughter.

# SQ05_Große Erwartung 41314700 - 41314749

Great Expectations
Bring [QUEST_SENDER] [GUIDNAME 1645081]'s report.
Things are coming to a head, and [QUEST_SENDER] cannot wait to sift through the Corsairs' reports for information about Beatrice. Don't keep the old man waiting!
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] excitedly asks you to bring him the Corsairs' report as quickly as possible.
With tears of joy in his eyes [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] reports that the Corsair report mentions an island that Beatrice may have been left stranded upon.
[GUIDNAME 41314700]
Recover [GUIDNAME 1645081]'s report and bring it to [QUEST_SENDER].

# SQ06_Vom Regen in die Traufe 41314750 - 41314799

A Fish Out of Water
Rescue the Prisoner from the sea and bring him to [QUEST_EXECUTIONCITY].
[QUEST_SENDER] is convinced that the mysterious Prisoner [GUIDNAME 1645028] so callously threw off the cliff has information about his daughter Beatrice. There is no way he can be allowed to drown in plain sight!
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] excitedly urges you to fish [GUIDNAME 1645028]'s Prisoner from the sea.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] is shocked at the condition the rescued man is in.

# SQ07_Rasche Hilfe 41314800 - 41314849

Prompt Assistance
Deliver the [QUEST_GETWARES] to [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] in exchange for the blueprints for a Surgery.
[QUEST_SENDER] wants to spare the survivor any further agony. He has therefore set himself down to draw up blueprints for the appropriate building. Unfortunately, there simply isn't enough light in his office. A new window would help.
To accelerate the survivor's recovery, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] offers you a blueprint: [QUEST_REWARD]
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] gives you the longed-for blueprint with his best wishes and hopes that you will soon learn more about Beatrice's fate.

# Invisible Text 41314850 - 41314899

Move to Guyisland
Move to Corsairs Island


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