Venice - シナリオ(8)

# Szenario10 Final 41310000 - 41310999

# Sequence 41310000 - 41310019

Noblesse Oblige
You have been sent to the heart of the Orient on a diplomatic mission of the utmost importance.
The Emperor has commanded that a Metropolis be built there.
It's purpose is to allow the Sultan to ...
... learn more about Western culture.
The barren desert, however, complicates the provisioning of your population.
Will the Emperor's city remain a nothing but a mirage?
In building a flourishing settlement in the midst of the desert, will please two mighty rulers at the same time.
And as the Sultan first slakes his thirst for knowledge ...
... Lord Northburgh slaps you on the shoulder in appreciation of your efforts.
Once again both Lord Northburgh and the Emperor ...
... are filled with pride.

# Story Quest 41310050 - 41310099

Desert pearl
The Sultan's interest in Western culture is common knowledge. But in order for him to study it first-hand, one would have to build an Occidental city in the heart of the Orient ... [CR] [CR][GUIDNAME 1645000] has entrusted you on behalf of the Emperor with the construction of just such a Metropolis. Will you be able to overcome all obstacles and fulfill the two rulers' desires?
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] asks you on behalf of the Emperor to build a noble city, so that the Sultan may learn more of Western culture.
Build a city and raise it to Noblemen status.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] is visibly pleased to inform you that both the Emperor and the Sultan are very pleased with the wonderful city you have built.

# SQ_LoseCondition -1 - -1

Your horrendous debts make it impossible to for you to complete your mission. And, as if the two rulers' disappointment at your failure were not shameful enough, the hope of any meaningful cultural exchange in the near future has been dashed.

# Mood Text -1 - -1

[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] reminds you of just how important the completion of your City is for the convergence of the Orient and the Occident.
A moved [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] admits that your City fulfills one of the Sultan's most heartfelt desires.


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