Venice - シナリオ(6)

# Szenario06 Final 41306000 - 41306999

# Sequence 41306000 - 41306019

Today of all days you had to oversleep…
… the day on which the Emperor bestowed new lands upon his most loyal vassals.
For when you reach the throne room...
… all that is left is the Deed of Ownership for a pathetic little Archipelago made up of tiny Islands.
Nevertheless, His Majesty expects you... establish a flourishing city in his honour.
It need not be all that large...
You mastered your demanding task with flying colors!
Despite the pittance of land available... have managed to establish a small, but well-organised City, ...
… whose quality rivals that ...
… of the Empire's greatest Metropolises ...
A magnificent example of masterly planning!

# Assets 41306020 - 41306049


# Storyquest 41306050 - 41306099

Difficult territory
Siedeln Sie in dieser Region 500 Adlige an. [CR][KANN MAN HIER NICHT STANDARDTEXT 500585 verwenden?]
Land is in short supply in your new Territory. Therefore, you should use it wisely and plan your city carefully in advance. [QUEST_SENDER] is to monitor your fulfillment of the Imperial desire and will, as always, be there to offer you help and advice.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] welcomes you to the region and expects you to build a city which satisfies even the sophisticated Needs of the Noblemen.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] is moved when he sees that you have actually managed to build a flourishing City here on the Archipelago.

# Mood Text -1 - -1

[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] regrets the poor luck you had in the awarding of lands, but is still convinced that you will be able to build a Metropolis here.


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最終更新:2010年12月07日 23:06


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